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Jan 12, 2021

CCQS UK Ltd confirmed as an Approved Body for UKCA Marking

CCQS UK Ltd has been informed by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) that it is an Approved Body (1105) for the UKCA marking; this new marking is required for placing relevant regulated products on the market in England, Scotland and Wales from 1 January 2021.

CCQS continues to be a Notified Body through its Ireland establishment(CCQS Certification Services Limited) for the Northern Ireland market. The UKCA mark replaces CE marking in Great Britain (GB) countries, although CE marking will continue to be recognized for products being placed on the GB market that have been certified by an EU notified body until the end of December 2022.

As an Approved Body, CCQS UK Ltd can assist manufacturers on the required conformity assessment procedures that will allow them to affix the UKCA marking on to the following products:

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Machinery Equipment 
Electromagnetic Compatibility Equipment (EMC)
Construction Products Regulation (CPR)

Accreditation scope can be found here: